From the rewritings of Paul and John of Patmos you can clearly see they were just as good at inside politics, class division, and fables like resurrection and Jesus. Paul’s writings was mostly begging for money and telling others what to do. It was a scam, much like it was today.
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
How do Jehovah's Witnesses differ from first century Christians?
by Vanderhoven7 inlet me start with a couple of distinctions.. first century christians:.
1. baptized military personnel.. 2. baptized men with political authority.
Christmas, yes or no ?
by jhine ini have just started to steep the mincemeat for my mince pies in dark rum .
christmas is a big deal in my family and circle of friends.
however among ex jws it's a bit different or so l understand.
Anony Mous
If it were just me, I couldn’t be bothered to keep up with the symbolism and demands. However the kids love it so I do it for the kids and family.
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Why isn't this forum growing like reddit exjw??
by nowwhat? inadmittedly it 90% crap over there but still they are up to 80k in subscribers.
over here it's the same half dozen or so that posts something, including myself.
why is that?.
Anony Mous
I think it is largely a population difference. People on Reddit are primarily young and transitory, they grow up in JW, leave at 18, complain a few times and then are fully absorbed into ‘the world’. There aren’t really any great discussions there about in depth topics.
The people here are JW veterans that mostly have been around for decades in JW and thus have a lot more ‘lingering’ issues (whether it is family, stories) and thus stick around because JW is still influencing their lives.
That to me is the great difference, you can comment on Reddit about the progression of certain JW belief points, literally nobody cares about the history or depth.
TL;DR Reddit is for the shallow JW that never really got into the deep things and just wants an excuse to leave, this forum is for those that believed strongly or are long-term affected by the doctrines.
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Russia's War on JWs and other Cults Intensifies.
by Lost in the fog inwhat this guy publicises many russians will believe is solid truth.. i wouldn't want to be a jw in the former ussr countries these days..
Anony Mous
I’d take anything from that JW/JW apologist blog with a huge bag of salt. Most of the analysis is not incorrect though, they did go underground, they continue receiving directions from the US, and they did move to covert channels. They do attract the dispossessed, anti-government type and pedophiles into their midst with the messaging.
All-in-all they do operate like a terrorist cell, it wouldn’t surprise me that at least some of the congregations in such situation have been infiltrated by eg CIA operatives and planning on some anti-government activity.
Note too that there is a translational gap, anti-government/terrorist activity in Russia includes the messages about Armageddon they’re spreading to which they are terrorizing their believers and children with, which is the reason they were convicted under Russian law. It is a cultural/translational difference where in the west we’ve been accustomed to various religious and thus take that messaging not too seriously, Russians will take any religious messaging pretty serious since the Eastern Orthodox eschatology doesn’t shy away from it either, they have rather graphic descriptions of the end of times as well, so any religious group that comes by and says, yeah, we “know” it will be “soon” and here is a picture of what it looks like, is basically playing into life-long religious fears.
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The Korah Story Composition
by peacefulpete ina perennial favorite of the wt, and other hierarchal churches, is the infamous korah rebellion tale of numbers 16. the story has been a subject of debate for many many years.
how did korah die?
did his family?
Anony Mous
We do know that until the Renaissance, most stories were not written as a statement of fact, but a narrative as to what happened and what future generations should now. The few facts we have on the period is from trade documents that merely indicate numbers for commercial purposes and a few laws/edicts. Almost everything else should be taken with a huge grain of salt, if not taken as a moral story. That includes things like Jesus and even ‘historians’ of the Roman period like Josephus that had a political motivation and a big slant in favor of his benefactors to write what he wrote. Beyond that, you also had editors and forgers that needed to shape stories for personal, religious or national benefit.
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The question`s GOD beleiver / Creationists ignore or don`t / won`t / can`t answer ?
by smiddy3 inthe common thread of beleivers / creationists of a god creating life is design .. and if something / anything is designed it must have a designer ?.
however this reasoning is discarded when talking about the existence of god.. and if such a being as god somehow existed without a designer why not all forms of life itself as existing on earth ?.
coming into existence without a designer ?.
Anony Mous
I like how SeaBreeze’s logic works: millions of people believed in something, therefore it must be true. The JWs are 7-14M people that believe in the octopope, 14M Mormons think their underwear has magical properties, that’s more people than there were living in the Levant in the first century.
As far as the energy in the Universe: it has been calculated to be 0, therefore the Universe doesn’t exist or at least mathematically balances out, without a god. If you want to make the Universe into a god of the gaps of sorts, fine, but you can’t claim it is benevolent or cares, because that is contradictory.
As far as the claims of evolution vs design earlier: design would imply proper engineering. Evolution is where you get to a point that something is good enough, it’s poorly constructed but the majority of species don’t die due to the design flaws, only some, or evolution eventually comes up with a solution, reproduce more/faster. Millions of fish are ‘born’ every second, yet the majority of them die, survival of the species depends on continuous reproduction. Why would a god design something that will die before it even realizes it’s purpose.
New method to absolutely date Fall of Jerusalem.
by waton infor what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
Anony Mous
There are many ways to calibrate the timeline of Jerusalem. We have the power to simulate the positions of the sun and stars at that time and guess what Babylonians were really good at, recording the position of heavenly bodies whenever something important happened. We also have contemporary accounts from various sources that can be dated by following the lineages of people.
The date of 607 by the WTBTS is only reached by divining/Kabbalah from 1914 (the tail wagging the dog), and then adapting the rest of the timeline to agree with the preconceived notion that 1914 was the beginning of time. You can say 607BCE or even 2000BCE or 1914CE only if you create your own calendar.
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What decade or era in human history do you like the most or would have liked to live during?
by Fisherman inin the us, the 60s and 70s was a great time to be alive except for getting drafted if you wanted to be that age.
they were music years, greatest movies, fun, simpler and enjoyable days—also except for the d&ugs.
Anony Mous
It depends, do I have my current absolute wealth or will I get my current relative wealth, or will I get just a random (or average) livelihood for the era. Also, where will I be located, in my home country, the US or again, ‘the average’ which would be a 3rd world country in Asia or Africa.
JP Morgan, the richest man on earth at the turn of the century was worth just $80M. Ben Franklin, the richest person in his day was worth $350k. If you have an average family home and pay it off, you are going to be wealthier than Benjamin Franklin, many business people today are wealthier than JP Morgan.
People looking for the 70s, the kids in minivans were the wealthy ones, the ones driving around in minivans and protesting, they had wealthy parents that kept them in college, supplied with money and out of jail, the average kid of the time they were drafted had been working full-time in a factory or farm for several years.
People complain about food insecurity if a family has to eat hot dogs more than once a week or live more than 5 miles from a grocery store (literally the definition of ‘hunger’ in the US) or relying on a food bank. In the socialist utopia I grew up in, food insecurity meant having no food from any source, not from the government, not from the store or a food bank, and I’m not that old (at least that’s what I keep telling myself). I would’ve killed for a computer and a phone line, now pocket computers (cell phones) are a basic social service, given away with the welfare check. We were told about places where hunger is worse, Ethiopia and other places had pictures of thousands of children literally starving to death, skin over bones, few people in Africa starve in that way, Africa is now on the forefront of mobile and crypto payments (your average African mother has used Bitcoin on her phone at least once daily). And that’s just 30-40 years of improvements to the ‘average’ life.
Yes, I would love to time travel briefly with my current tools, knowledge and wealth, to many places, but going back in time to re-live any of it, probably not, even emperors died from minor wounds.
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Secret Building Project?
by Mum ini watch a lot of ex-jw videos on youtube and read many of the comments.
recently, i watched a video by an ex-jw whose videos i had never watched before.
i don't remember his handle.. anyway, there was only one comment posted at the time i watched the video.
Anony Mous
I don’t think there is any value to the underground facility claim, as I said, the style the WTBTS likes to build in requires all facilities to be underground. Bigger buildings require larger setups. Commercial entities generally put things in the building or on the roof, but that requires a lot of highly skilled work and project planning, things commercial entities care about since they pay per hour (30-50% of a building construction cost is materials, the rest is labor). Building it underground gives you lots of time and space to make and fix poor decisions, especially if your workers cost nothing.
Hence why almost every Kingdom Hall has all their utilities under the ground without any access to actually replace them later on. The building is only designed to last 20-25 years and all the things that require a long time to setup are done first, that way they can claim a very “quick” building setup, rivaling that of commercial entities but done entirely by “volunteers”.
But all those people that are supposed to remain silent are skilled people that will work months before the event setting lots of things (water, electric, sewage, HVAC) up, and work months after dedication to fix issues after.
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Secret Building Project?
by Mum ini watch a lot of ex-jw videos on youtube and read many of the comments.
recently, i watched a video by an ex-jw whose videos i had never watched before.
i don't remember his handle.. anyway, there was only one comment posted at the time i watched the video.
Anony Mous
The WTBTS is always very secretive about their projects initially. Only the most devout dubs are invited to them with the utmost secrecy.
Then once all the prep is done they finish the work “in record time”. Same happened with their compound in Upstate NY, that took literally years to set up. Then once they started all the hard work and logistics was already done.
I don’t know if they still call them quick-builds but having run overnight security for months on end on just one project, it’s not very quick watching concrete cure and builders set up all the underground plumbing and electric before the building gets erected.Link +1 / -0